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4 Lessons I Learned Rearranging Furniture

4 Lessons I Learned Rearranging Furniture

I learned a few important tips last week helping my daughter Tara reorganize some of the rooms in her home.


I plan to implement some of the following insights that I discovered while helping Tara with a few household projects.

I never imagined that this activity would help me solve some of the problems in my life with prioritizing, resolving conflicts, planning, and improving relationships. I think you might find them helpful, too. (more…)

Writing Dilemma

I haven’t posted for awhile on my own blog. So, here I go again–making excuses. I think I’ll just let someone else explain the problem. Honestly, I just get tired just thinking about it. Read this article by Leslie Leyland Fields on the WordServe...
Enough Grace for the New Year

Enough Grace for the New Year

Photo/TaraRossAs I considered a few changes for the new year, I chose the word—ENOUGH—as my one word to help me get back on track in 2014.

It may be more accurate to say that this one word—ENOUGH—chose me. It just rolled out of my restless heart and consumed my anxious thoughts awhile back.

Why enough? This New Year found me bouncing off my office walls again.

Where do I begin? Do I work on one of those book proposals? Do I need to write another blog post? Do I have a speaking event scheduled this month? Do I need to work on my new website, so I can get that up and going? I don’t know where to start! Enough! (more…)

Memories of Mom on Thanksgiving

Memories of Mom on Thanksgiving

Why do some seasons remind us of stories about the people in our lives? On Thanksgiving, I can’t help but think of my mother. Not many holidays go by without fond memories of my mother. Sometimes those thoughts come like a gentle wind, and other times they still...
Fear of rejection and failure?

Fear of rejection and failure?

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up” (Thomas A. Edison). Do you see rejection as failure? Failure often points us toward changes in our direction and priorities. C. S. Lewis explained,...