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Too Old? Think Again!

Too Old? Think Again!

Reaching another major milestone with my age left me feeling a bit depressed and frustrated. Had I missed my opportunity to fulfill my dreams? Was I too old to continue and complete the next leg of my writing journey? (more…)

Seeking God FIRST this New Year!

Seeking God FIRST this New Year!

What is your greatest struggle right now as you begin this New Year?

That can be a tough question for some of us. Maybe you’re struggling with your health. Or you might be worried about a family member. Perhaps you’re looking at your “to do” list or your finances, and you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. (more…)

Crossing the Waters: Leslie Leyland Fields

Crossing the Waters: Leslie Leyland Fields

What does it look like to follow Jesus?

The first followers of Christ often chose to leave everything behind to follow him—their homes, their parents, their livelihood, and everything else they knew and loved. What kind of power would one man possess to convince strong men with families and jobs to drop everything to follow him. (more…)

Telling Our Faith Stories

Telling Our Faith Stories

What stories do you remember from your childhood? Who were your family storytellers? Have you written any of your family or faith stories down?

Family stories. I can still recall many of the stories I’ve heard through the years at our family gatherings. I hear some of our best family stories when I attend a family reunion, wedding, holiday get-together, or even a funeral.

Faith stories. In my family, we often focus on our faith stories, since we live in the Bible Belt. Many of our family storytellers are no longer around to remind us of the “good old days.” And when one of our loved ones leave this world to go on to their eternal home, we often communicate our faith through our stories about them and about heaven. Sharing our faith stories during the difficult moments of life can be just the encourage we need at that time.

Motivation. As a writer, I often try to jot down some of these special memories to write about later. But even though I am a writer, I know how difficult, if not impossible, recording my faith and family stories can be at times. And I’ve discovered that I need some powerful motivation most of the time.

Psalm 102:18 explains the purpose for not only “telling” our stories, but “writing” down our faith stories, so the next generation will praise the Lord.

What a challenge!

Write down for the coming generation what the LORD has done, so that people not yet born will praise him. (Psalm 102:18 GNT).

You might not get the opportunity to tell the next generation your faith stories face-to-face. But what if you could encourage someone’s faith in the future by the words you write today?

I hope you’ll take a moment right now and jot down your memories of just one faith or family story. You may even consider recording your stories in a special journal to have on hand for notes the next time you go to a family get-together.

Remember, when you tell the stories that matter most, lives change and hearts heal.

What stories can you tell to the next generation?