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Does unity and reconciliation seem impossible in your family?

Photo/TaraRossMy family is separated by distance, and we have often also been divided by some of our differences—interests, opinions, lifestyles, ages, economy, and some pretty serious disagreements.

My mother longed for unity in our family, and she always grieved over our physical separation. Now that my children are grown with families of their own, I understand Mother’s concern. But I also understand the need for my children to find their own paths, which often includes some difficult times of being apart.

With each family member going their own way, I will admit that I’ve often lost hope for unity and reconciliation. And I’ve wondered if I would even recognize when the answer to this particular prayer comes.

What does unity and reconciliation even look like?

Answered Prayers. A few days ago, I caught a glimpse of that answered prayer as I observed an interesting event on my Facebook page. 

One of my writer friends, Anita Brooks, challenged me to post one of my favorite scriptures. So, I posted Luke 1:45: “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” (NIV).

I also challenged some of my family to do the same. Not only was I blessed by their responses; their faith inspired me.

Powerful Promises. As I continued to receive feedback from my post, I began to see evidence of the power of God’s Word once again—the power to bring unity to His followers and in my family.

Jesus prayed for the unity of all believers in John 17: “My prayer is … that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you …” (NIV).

Spiritual Unity. Today, I recognized some beliefs that give evidence of the spiritual unity in my family. We will always be bound by our heritage—our family connection. But I know that some of our relationships go much deeper than our Southeast Texas roots. Many of my family members are also my “brothers and sisters in Christ.” And no matter what other things come between us, we will always have that unity of faith.

Today, I’m encouraged because I know that God continues to work to reconcile our relationships and bring us into unity that Christ prayed for all believers. And I’m also “confident of this, that he who began a good work in (us) will carry it on to completion … ” (Phil. 1:6 NIV).

In spite of all of our differences, I pray that we will all begin to walk in the unity that God’s Word promises.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (Eph. 4:3 NIV)

What promises and prayers have you observed fulfilled in your family?