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A big THANK YOU to the Arkansas Women Bloggers for featuring me as their April Blogger of the Month.

The Women Bloggers LLC community members (in eight states!) are natural megaphones and amplifiers, and their talent in curating and sharing content combined with life experiences and strong opinions as parents and consumers makes us the most unique talent agency our partners will encounter.

I wanted to be sure to give you the links to all my posts on the Arkansas Women Bloggers website. So, I hope you will check it out. You can also find #ARWB on Twitter @ARWomenBloggers and Facebook.

Miss April 2016 – Karen Jordan. I started dabbling with blogging in 2008 under duress. At my first Christian writers’ conference a few years earlier, everyone urged me to begin building an online platform. They claimed if I wanted publishers to consider my nonfiction book proposals, I’d better start “building a platform.” I panicked at first. Then, I dove head first, drowning in the technology challenges. [more]

Imagine Your Wildest Dreams. Imagine your fondest dreams coming true. What do you see? Years ago, a dream was birthed in my heart. Then, I buried it. [more]

A Day in the Life of KarenMy life changed dramatically this past year—my husband, Dan, retired. And retirement life did not turn out quite like I expected. In fact, I don’t know what I thought it would look like. But I’m adjusting. [more]

The Best of Karen. I entered a new season this past year when my husband, Dan, retired. So, I decided to record a few of those moments in my blog. I call it “Life in the Gray Zone.” [more]

Thanks again, #ARWB! You’re the best!

Have you checked out the Arkansas Women Bloggers site?